Goat Yoga instructor
We are always looking for more instructors that would enjoy the chance to instruct yoga with a twist!
- At least 1 year yoga instructor experience
- Animal Lover
- Ability to utilize google calendar
Farm Hand
There is always work needed on a farm. If you love animals and want to directly aid in their development join us on What A View Farm!
- Animal Lover
- ability to lift 40lbs
- willingness to get your hands dirty (metaphorically only bring gloves)
Goat Herder
For every Yoga With Goats class we run we also need a Goat Herder. You will attend the class and help manage the rambunctious goats, guide them onto peoples backs, and assist in taking photos.
- Animal Lover
- ability to lift 40lbs
- willingness to get your hands dirty (metaphorically only bring gloves)
- Ability to lift goats

If you are interested in helping out on the farm Email me at [email protected]
Provide all the following
- Your Name
- role(s) your looking to fill
- Your Phone number
- Your experience for the role